Fighting for the things that are important to my family and yours!
Pro-2nd Amendment
I am a lifetime member of the NRA and support the right to keep and bear arms. I believe the second amendment is necessary to protect our first amendment rights and that we have the right to self-defense.
PRO-Election integrity
Voting is the foundation of our system of government and people need to have confidence in the results. Election security is not a partisan issue.
As a parent and former coach, I believe that kids need to be in classrooms with friends and teachers, not stuck in front of a computer screen. Career and technology training is also crucial to the future of our state and more emphasis needs to be given to vocational education at the high school level.
As we invest an unprecedented amount of resources into our infrastructure needs, we need to do so responsibly. Besides roads and bridges, our rural areas are in desperate need of expanded broadband.
I believe that life starts at conception and that every life is precious. My wife is here because a teenage mother chose adoption over abortion. I consider every day with her a gift. We have been blessed by three wonderful children, true gifts from God that make fighting for this region even more important.
Pro-limited government
No more one sided radical decrees from Lansing. Government should never be able to determine what jobs are essential as every person has the right to provide for their family.
I support Michigan's Right to Farm Act and understand that agriculture is not only a major industry for the region, but also a way of life for those men and women who engage in it.
Pro-local control
I believe that the best government is that which is closest to the people, and the state should not interfere in local control unless it is to protect the rights of the people.